It's been a while since I last touched this deserted blog of mine. I know most of my posts seem rather emotional or sentimental or whatsoever. I know it very well, for being emotional and sentimental are my nature, and I cannot change it, can I?
Okay, so finals have ended in a sweet way (thank God I can attempt most questions for my last paper despite extremely last-minute revision). And ironically, the end of finals marks the beginning of my legal days. Guess how I spent my legal days? Dozing off, of course. Well, I guess my dream to get a chronograph watch for my birthday present (I have this instant liking towards this Swatch chronograph watch) is impossible to achieve. Meh. Blame me for not being pretty enough to have anyone to give it to me. LOL. Nah, just kidding.
Here I am stuck in this suburb in Miri doing research for absolutely FREE. Of course I am disappointed not to be able to obtain the RM1000 funding. But I am okay with it because I am onoy a 2nd year student and they would of course prefer to give the money away to some senior year students as they have more knowledge prior to research compared to mine. Never mind, no sour grapes. I am positive =D In a way, it is good doing research as it helps me in my final year. It'll be a priceless experience doing some research with very little knowledge I'm currently having. I mean, it is like building a castle with only some bricks and a shovel and sand. No cement. I'll have to find ways to build with no further knowledge at all. Now isn't this interesting??? =D FYI I am doing simulation and modelling research on conserving resources. Hahaha!!!
One thing. I am BROKE. I am in dire need of cash right now as it is the end of semester and I still have one month to stay. OMG.
Truth to be told, I miss home. I miss my bed, my mom's cooking, my dogs, the children, and of course, my FAMILY and FRIENDS. I miss how Kuching is WAY better than Miri. Sigh. I could have been pampered at home now instead of getting stuck here.
Getting stuck here made me think of some of the things which I should not think of. I mean, promiscuous guy is not some person whom I should fall for. Even I myself do not have any idea why I would even fall for this kind of guy. All I can do is to care for him. Hopefully he will mature and understands his responsibility in life instead of throwing it away by wasting his time away. Hopefully he'll love himself more, as he was the one who asked me to love myself. I don't know. Somehow I felt the warmth and gentleness, but then again, NO.
Gah. If only I can take my feelings as something which I can just take out from my heart and wrap it inside a box and then bury it somewhere far. Of course, when I do that, I hope he will not be able to find it.
Let's just hope he will not read this blog of mine (definitely though, as if he's so free to read this blog of mine).
I guess this post sums up my current state =)
I am a writer of my life, thoughts and stories. I write the past, the present and the future. Writing and photography are some of the best ways to express my inner self.
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Letter To My Future Boyfriend/Husband
Dear you,
If you someday get to be my boyfriend, I hope you will come across reading my blog. I have told my friends that if I were to get married to you, I do not need a diamond ring (if you want to give me CAN). All I need is a simple ring engraved with "ILY". This is because I'll put you above me. I was involved in a relationship before and I knew how did I love someone. It kind of failed which kind of made me hurt and upset, but now no more. I was hurt for a period of time because of the broken relationship. I even lost myself.
Guess what? I met someone who actually lifted the pain away from me and I stopped feeling hurt thanks to that someone. I had this liking towards this someone and in fact I even thought that I had fallen in love to him. But it was one-sided so I guess I should forget about it. Never mind. Anyway I should thank him somehow (there'll be a chance).
I am currently comfortable being single but if you are to enter my life I hope these are the things you can do to me:
1) Be loyal.
2) Never lie.
3) Make me feel secure, so that I can trust you wholeheartedly.
4) Love me and allow me to love you.
5) Allow me to be myself and don't try to change me.
These five things may seem simple but most men cannot do all 5 of these. But I hope when we someday meet and you read this you're prepared to do all these 5 things for me. It's because once you enter my life I'll give up my freedom for you, and freedom means a lot to me.
Anyway, if you were to be mine, the primary reason is because of your heart. Probably your looks attract me, but it's your heart that makes me give mine to you.
p/s: Whoever you are, please don't laugh when you read this!!! This is one freaking random letter okay? ==
If you someday get to be my boyfriend, I hope you will come across reading my blog. I have told my friends that if I were to get married to you, I do not need a diamond ring (if you want to give me CAN). All I need is a simple ring engraved with "ILY". This is because I'll put you above me. I was involved in a relationship before and I knew how did I love someone. It kind of failed which kind of made me hurt and upset, but now no more. I was hurt for a period of time because of the broken relationship. I even lost myself.
Guess what? I met someone who actually lifted the pain away from me and I stopped feeling hurt thanks to that someone. I had this liking towards this someone and in fact I even thought that I had fallen in love to him. But it was one-sided so I guess I should forget about it. Never mind. Anyway I should thank him somehow (there'll be a chance).
I am currently comfortable being single but if you are to enter my life I hope these are the things you can do to me:
1) Be loyal.
2) Never lie.
3) Make me feel secure, so that I can trust you wholeheartedly.
4) Love me and allow me to love you.
5) Allow me to be myself and don't try to change me.
These five things may seem simple but most men cannot do all 5 of these. But I hope when we someday meet and you read this you're prepared to do all these 5 things for me. It's because once you enter my life I'll give up my freedom for you, and freedom means a lot to me.
Anyway, if you were to be mine, the primary reason is because of your heart. Probably your looks attract me, but it's your heart that makes me give mine to you.
p/s: Whoever you are, please don't laugh when you read this!!! This is one freaking random letter okay? ==
Monday, August 08, 2011
Top 5 Signs You're a Full-time University Student
1) Irregular sleeping hours
You sleep at 11am and wake up at 1pm. You then stay up all night and sleep in the morning. Wait, you have night class. Gah. Sleep in the afternoon. Morning class the next day, yet assignments piling. Sleep for one or two hours first, then continue doing assignments. In short, your biological clock will never be fixed unless you're having semester break.
2) Irregular eating hours
You have a breakfast as early as 7 or as late as 10. You either skip lunch or have your lunch as late as 3pm. You either have early dinner around 5 something or late dinner around 8 something.
3) Assignments complain; Clubbing no complain
You have an assignment due tomorrow, hence causing you to stay up until 3am. You complain. You went to clubbing with friends all night long until the sun rises, and you have an 8am class the next day. You do not complain.
4) You begin to talk dirty
In high school, if anyone happened to say something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. In university, if you squeal or try avoiding talking something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. Come on. It's a university, which students are mostly 18 and above. Even girls are discussing openly about their virginity with their male campusmates.
5) You feel as if there are too many things to handle
Well, of course. In high school, people help us complete our tasks. Here, we are given tasks to complete all on our own. To begin with, you need to seek for help. Minimal help is given, and you think that they're very selfish. You need to start managing your own expenses, time, assignments, schedules and the list goes on and on and on. If you still find your lifestyle relaxing, well, it's probably because you still have this high school mentality that things will just go shazam and poof! It's solved. No.
LOL. That's it for now.
You sleep at 11am and wake up at 1pm. You then stay up all night and sleep in the morning. Wait, you have night class. Gah. Sleep in the afternoon. Morning class the next day, yet assignments piling. Sleep for one or two hours first, then continue doing assignments. In short, your biological clock will never be fixed unless you're having semester break.
2) Irregular eating hours
You have a breakfast as early as 7 or as late as 10. You either skip lunch or have your lunch as late as 3pm. You either have early dinner around 5 something or late dinner around 8 something.
3) Assignments complain; Clubbing no complain
You have an assignment due tomorrow, hence causing you to stay up until 3am. You complain. You went to clubbing with friends all night long until the sun rises, and you have an 8am class the next day. You do not complain.
4) You begin to talk dirty
In high school, if anyone happened to say something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. In university, if you squeal or try avoiding talking something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. Come on. It's a university, which students are mostly 18 and above. Even girls are discussing openly about their virginity with their male campusmates.
5) You feel as if there are too many things to handle
Well, of course. In high school, people help us complete our tasks. Here, we are given tasks to complete all on our own. To begin with, you need to seek for help. Minimal help is given, and you think that they're very selfish. You need to start managing your own expenses, time, assignments, schedules and the list goes on and on and on. If you still find your lifestyle relaxing, well, it's probably because you still have this high school mentality that things will just go shazam and poof! It's solved. No.
LOL. That's it for now.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
All The Best For Tomorrow
For starters, this is for my beloved Eugenia Foo XD wish you all the best of luck for your ACCA!!! I know how tough your ACCA is and that is why you'll definitely need the luck. Remember if you passed every paper you'll "share" your happiness and joy with us *hint* *hint* though I am positively sure you can pull them through. I have faith in you, girl! =) we'll celebrate at Delizze yea XD and of course not forgetting my acquaintances who are taking ACCA too. Amelia, Damien, and whoever I miss out.
Nextly, for my CAT friends Ah Leng, Kelvin and Stephen (wow I have a few CAT friends all in the same batch, in terms of taking the same papers). Wish you people all the best and pass with flying colours =D aiya CAT can pass onelah...and in case there are any potential M'sian Prize Winner or World Prize Winner (you know who you are), all the best!!! Hopefully I can congratulate someone who won a prize. (P.S.: Kelvin you owe me RM3=p )
After that, Jing Fen's turn. All the best for your STPM =D can get excellent good good results one XD and of course, all the best to those who took STPM last year. I very well knew how tough STPM was. If possible, try to score a 4 flat, since last year there was almost none (got but I think only one? And he/she's not a Science student). Science student, don't let us down score a 4 flat XD
21st February's a good date for the release of results, I hope.
Nextly, for my CAT friends Ah Leng, Kelvin and Stephen (wow I have a few CAT friends all in the same batch, in terms of taking the same papers). Wish you people all the best and pass with flying colours =D aiya CAT can pass onelah...and in case there are any potential M'sian Prize Winner or World Prize Winner (you know who you are), all the best!!! Hopefully I can congratulate someone who won a prize. (P.S.: Kelvin you owe me RM3=p )
After that, Jing Fen's turn. All the best for your STPM =D can get excellent good good results one XD and of course, all the best to those who took STPM last year. I very well knew how tough STPM was. If possible, try to score a 4 flat, since last year there was almost none (got but I think only one? And he/she's not a Science student). Science student, don't let us down score a 4 flat XD
21st February's a good date for the release of results, I hope.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
First Move
Had this inspiration while slurping my grass jelly milk tea purchased from Eastmoore's bubble tea shop.
Yesterday, Amy, Genia and I had our final visiting at Alex's house. Long story short: He cooks unique spaghetti (unique as in Asian-ish style...I mean, who puts GINGER into pasta sauce??? Not bad though ^^) and he owns a CUUUTE pup namely Kobe. Lol.
On the way home, we hung out at Sunny Hill for banana split. Yeah, I'm lazy to upload pictures because the outing is not the main point of this post. It's what Genia said that motivated me. Lol.
Usually the one who makes the first move is the winner. The one courting the other person will end up having the one courted fallen deeper compared to the one who courts. (Foo, 2011)
Thus, I realize something. I have to make the FIRST MOVE. If there is anyone who is willing to take the initiative, that person's gonna be ME. Why? I want to end up having it falling head over heels for me and thus I am the WINNER HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! It will not let me go and forever yearning for my love. Meh. Smart planleh? So clever =p
Okay HD, listen to this. I officially declare to take the first move and court you until I graduate. You may not accept me, but I will try my best until you have to accept me every semester just because you are moved and touched by my diligence, effort and hard work that I have put just to make you accept me every semester. I will spend more time on my effort to win you and I know I will. During the graduation I will propose to you and you will accept me as the FIRST in your heart, mind and soul. The final outcome shall be our eternally happy ending together after the proposal and like what Genia said, you will fall head over heels for me until I will forever be FIRST to you as long as I live =)
P.S.: HD here has bilingual meaning =p
Walao. So damn motivating.
Okaylah. I'll upload a few photos to spice things up. Here goes:

Kobe, you're cute. Too bad you're NAUGHTY. Check out the pee he left at the upper left side of the photo =p

Genia, the one who inspired me to write this post ;)

Amy and I. Not relevant, but nevermind. Let this photo be the finale for this post =p
HD, hope you read this!!! You're the first for me to make the first move to.
P.S.S.: I owe thanks to my campus junior William. He first came up with this "court-and-proposal" scheme for the sake of studying motivation =p
Yesterday, Amy, Genia and I had our final visiting at Alex's house. Long story short: He cooks unique spaghetti (unique as in Asian-ish style...I mean, who puts GINGER into pasta sauce??? Not bad though ^^) and he owns a CUUUTE pup namely Kobe. Lol.
On the way home, we hung out at Sunny Hill for banana split. Yeah, I'm lazy to upload pictures because the outing is not the main point of this post. It's what Genia said that motivated me. Lol.
Usually the one who makes the first move is the winner. The one courting the other person will end up having the one courted fallen deeper compared to the one who courts. (Foo, 2011)
Thus, I realize something. I have to make the FIRST MOVE. If there is anyone who is willing to take the initiative, that person's gonna be ME. Why? I want to end up having it falling head over heels for me and thus I am the WINNER HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! It will not let me go and forever yearning for my love. Meh. Smart planleh? So clever =p
Okay HD, listen to this. I officially declare to take the first move and court you until I graduate. You may not accept me, but I will try my best until you have to accept me every semester just because you are moved and touched by my diligence, effort and hard work that I have put just to make you accept me every semester. I will spend more time on my effort to win you and I know I will. During the graduation I will propose to you and you will accept me as the FIRST in your heart, mind and soul. The final outcome shall be our eternally happy ending together after the proposal and like what Genia said, you will fall head over heels for me until I will forever be FIRST to you as long as I live =)
P.S.: HD here has bilingual meaning =p
Walao. So damn motivating.
Okaylah. I'll upload a few photos to spice things up. Here goes:

Kobe, you're cute. Too bad you're NAUGHTY. Check out the pee he left at the upper left side of the photo =p

Genia, the one who inspired me to write this post ;)

Amy and I. Not relevant, but nevermind. Let this photo be the finale for this post =p
HD, hope you read this!!! You're the first for me to make the first move to.
P.S.S.: I owe thanks to my campus junior William. He first came up with this "court-and-proposal" scheme for the sake of studying motivation =p
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