This lovely work of art is what I saw when I answered the call of nature in Bintang's loo.

"Nice" handwriting...must be expelled from school one no chance to show off their beautiful writing that's why need to resort to toilet door so that those who happened to pee maybe someone from Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia.
Well, too bad I'm not someone from LPM. Impossible they target MPM because Form 6 students won't do that(I'm ex-sixth former, hence must not tarnish my own reputation=p). I'm only a university student who happen to loathe unpleasant sights, especially when I'm in my own zen. Imaginelah, your bladder is about to burst and you finally let everything out, feeling relieved in toilet. Then suddenly right in front of you got FUCK YOU PONDAN with super no-standard-don't-know-what-the-hell-punya-language. Luckily I did not pee right to the door(though I see no reason how can I even do that =p).
You doing that who suffers the most? Not those who happens to pee in toilet, but those who HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE DOOR(though I am sure no one will be THAT nice to clean it up). If there is someone who's truly civic-conscious to clean up that door I will salute you and treat you McDonalds =) I'm serious. Mark my words.

Kononnya chicken chop and chips.........RM5 bloody hell.......
I was like huh? Seriously, I said that right in front of the auntie.
Me: Huh????? Apa ini?????
Campus wok auntie: Ini chicken chop and fries.
Me: Eh......RM5 ke???
Campus wok auntie: RM3 untuk fries, RM2 untuk ayam.
Me: Wah! (took out the extremely-heavy RM5 note out from my wallet and reluctantly handed it to the auntie, who accepted it with uttermost delight =.=""")
Man I'm broke...........
Vegeeee!! :(
ju my rice + vege at campus costs me bloody rm4 at the very least =(
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