Wth why mine's Sailormoon...lol...
Just now I heard a news about this plea which was actually a fraud set up by pedophiles to attract children so that they'll add those sick pedophiles. Then, those pedophiles will start tracking down their preys. In my personal opinion, this plea is not a fraud, just that it has been misused by damn-creative-betul pedophiles for their own benefits.
Just imagine:
When the plea was executed,
Pedophile A: Waseh! They so drastic carry out plea to support Violence Against Children. But I like to sodomise little children bo.
Pedophile B: Yaloh. When I see those little children cry in pain
Pedophile A: Aiyah. Spoil our
Pedophile B: No, it may be a great advantage to us!
Pedophile A: Whyleh?
Pedophile B: We pretend we support their plea lor. We put up super cute cute cartoon character as our profile pic. When those innocent children saw our uber-cute profile pic, confirm they want to add us one!
Pedophile A: Yahor! Then once they're our friends we can slow slow eat them until we are full!!!!!
But this fraud was rather nonsensical. You see, firstly, small children, as intelligent as they are, they are still under their parents' control. Our parents have always taught us not to simply talk to strangers when we were still kids. I am sure the parents will do the same to the children. How can the children simply accept or add strangers just for the cartoon character when they have eyes watching them? Secondly, pedophiles are not so stupid to use this plea to trap their prey. Obviously this idea is not going to work because it is very rare for children to own their own Facebook profile. Blind dates may work when it comes to scheming, but not this. Lastly, it is just my hunch that this fraud thing is not valid. But my hunch is usually accurate.
Hence, I shall stick to my cartoon profile picture (well, at least until I acquire a new hairstyle).
It's fun to have cartoon pic :)
I love cartoon.
hey thx. hehe.
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