Upon my return from Miri, I wasn't that fat. Two weeks later, I actually gained 3kg!!! Wow that was fast!!! Gaining 3kgs of FAT in just 2 weeks is fast. Most of my cravings have been satisfied within these 2 weeks of holidays. Sadly, I will be returning to Miri in 4th July. Look at the bright side. From there, I can shed off the extra kilos gained, plus the additional 3kg which I originally planned to lose. That means six kilogrammes to lose altogether :O sounds tough.
What haven't I eaten yet in this mini Taiwan (seriously, Kuching is like mini Taiwan, with street foods sprouting like mushrooms everywhere and the food here is SUPER CHEAP and delicious) are:
J&J roti canai and teh tarik (mmm...sedap...)
Life cafe's malak mien and onion pancakes (I insist Carpenter street's branch)
Song Kheng Hai ice-kacang and belacan bee hoon
Taipei 101's pork chop noodles, dumplings and or-jian
KY Cafe or Sin Poh Poh kolo mee
Chong Choon laksa
Eastmoore beef noodles
Bintawa kueh chap
Pinoy ihaw ihaw deep fried pork and roasted pork (no choice most guy friends are not here to help finish up the pork...the portion served is DAMN HUGE WEH)
Tom's cheesecake (yummmyyyyyyyyy...omg I want this very badly)
Padungan lok lok
Swan Teem BBQ steamboat (need more kaki baru fun this one)
Fish ball tang hoon and pork satay at Carpenter's street
Aladdin Cafe chicken rice
Carvery MEAT buffet
Greenhill Corner beef noodles
Howdy Grillhouse pork ribs (I haven't try LAH)
Fried Durian (no chance to try since I'm not coming back for the Kuching Festival...again)
Delicious vegetarian meal at 3rd Mile
Hui Sing (forgot the name) fish head bee hoon
Kenyalang rojak
Open air soy bean and taosa pao (sadly it is closed)
Kuching chicken porridge (koo jing kai chuk in Cantonese)
Pari bakar, la la bakar and sotong bakar
Tomyam fish
Jade Pot beef noodles (I have this knack for beef noodles, I realize)
Gourmet Sausage sausage
Koreana (aaa...Korean food...sigh...)
I seriously eat a lot huh? Haha. As mentioned before I have many of my cravings satisfied yet there are still a LONG list of unsatisfied cravings. Wow. No wonder I gained 3kgs.
By the way, still looking for a chance to view the sunset at Escobar. Sigh. Who wants to view sunset with me at Escobar? Pretty please. Sigh.
I am happy that I gain weight because I am enjoying myself. This is good!!!
Bad news is that I have to super work hard to lose 6kgs within 2 months. Probably 7kg, if I manage to lose 6kgs before September. Now that is awesome!!!
In short, I will return to Miri being fat.
p/s: I mentioned about going to gym and swimming and jogging but unable to do so because I have no company firstly (most of my friends are either working or studying or not in Kuching) and secondly, gym entrance fee is RM25, which is way too expensive for someone not loaded like me. Yeah, someone who prefers spending RM50 at Brands Outlet but not RM25 for a 2-hour gym session.
I am a writer of my life, thoughts and stories. I write the past, the present and the future. Writing and photography are some of the best ways to express my inner self.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Go Green and Save Turtles
This will be a green post, hence the green font here ;)
How on earth did I end up writing about environmentally-friendly post?
It all started minutes ago when I was listening to DBSK's Bolero piano cover and tried learning it by ear (with difficulties, of course) when Angelina inboxed me and asked me to do this pledge to go green. I read her blog and of course pledged to go green. It is important to go green. Earth originally consist of two colours - blue and green. And green coincidentally reminds me of...TURTLES.
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TMNT, anyone? Err...okay let's not get digressed and focus on the main point below =) |
Well, basically, this pledge is about stopping Malaysians from consuming turtle eggs. I am fine with not consuming turtle eggs because I never consume one before. I am proud of it!! And one of the reasons why turtles are closer to extinction is because of the consumption of eggs. Common sense, turtles come from eggs and if we eat the eggs, we indirectly reduce the amount of turtles (future turtles to be exact) that will live in this world. I am going to be very sarcastic at the next few paragraphs so that those turtle egg consumers will feel "ouch" when they read those and thus not touching the eggs anymore.
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Telur penyu aka turtle eggs...when they're untouched |
Well, some may be stupid enough to argue that the eggs are laid on the beach, and if we do not take it, rugi lah us. Common sense lah people, there is a reason why turtles lay eggs on the beach and abandon the eggs there. You think turtles are so considerate to leave the eggs there just to end up in your stomach? The reason why turtles lay eggs on the beach is because eggs need to be hatched and be kept warm. Ever wonder why hens hatch their eggs? Even wonder why birds keep eggs on their nests and hatch it? Eggs need to be kept warm so that they can break out from the eggs. Like us, eggs also need an optimum temperature to develop. Asking why eggs are being hatched is like asking why are we inside our mothers' womb. Stupid betul. They, like us, need warmth. Which turtles are stupid enough to leave the eggs into the sea? Unless they are sane enough to kill their babies inside the eggs, I am sure no sane turtles will do that.
I forsee another stupid question. If turtle eggs need to be hatched, why not the turtles keep guard of the eggs? Simple, because turtles are reptiles. They lay eggs and then leave the eggs there to be hatched. Then they begin looking for food and survive. Turtles are not human beings; they do not have high IQ. If you think turtles can forsee all these, then you are as dumb as the turtles. It is the turtles' nature to lay eggs onto the beach and then leave the eggs onto the beach. You seriously think turtles are psychics and can forsee hungry, greedy human beings like you to eat their eggs and then guard their eggs all the time? If that happens, then the mother turtles will not have to lose their eggs to your stomachs already.
Okay. Here comes another argument. Even if the baby turtles managed to come out of their shells and travel back to the sea, many died on the way. Might as well not waste the eggs by eating them rather than having them die along the journey (more on that later). Wah so smart of you to be able to think of that!! Who are you turtle egg eaters to decide their life and death? Only God decides each baby turtle's lifespan, not you. What gives you the right to even take the eggs and eat them without asking the permission from the mother turtles? Even if you asked for the permission, it is definitely wrong to take the turtle eggs and eat them. They are lives and they are endangered. These eggs are not from your pet turtles, so you definitely do not have the permission to eat those. You take the eggs from their nests, not take the eggs from your pet turtle (if you even have one).
One last argument. Turtle eggs delicious what, so we want to eat lo. In that case, well congratulations for having weird sense of taste. Turtle eggs are slimy even after cooked (of what I heard), so I do not find anything tasty there. You have weird sense of taste, or is it that you people enjoy eating something wild and endangered? As if eating something exotic will increase your IQ or extend your lifespan. Let me tell you honey, it won't. What you did only reduces the amount of turtles on Earth greatly. That is all. And turning turtle fetuses into shit. This is totally degrading turtles. If the mother turtles knew about this, they will be devastatingly upset.
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Turtle eggs sold in market |
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Turtle eggs made as meal (seriously???) |
Like I have mentioned earlier, those turtles which managed to come out from their shells died on the way of travelling back to sea. That means very few turtles will survive the journey. Out of 1000 eggs hatched, probably 900 turtles will manage to come out of the shells alive. Out of 900 eggs which went back to the sea, probably only 400 made it. The rest either died on land as preys for carnivores or died in the sea. So, if the human beings were being cruel enough to take the eggs for food, there will be even less turtle survivors, meaning the turtles will be even closer to extinction. Now do you get the clearer picture?
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CUTE baby turtles travelling back to the sea once they are born...awww <3 aren't they cute??? |
So please, stop eating turtle eggs. Chicken eggs are delicious what. They are obtained from farms (with permission in a way) and they do are not even at the verge of extinction. Chicken eggs are found in cakes, puddings, omelettes, pies, tarts, soups, ANYTHING. I love chicken eggs =D
Okay I have ranted long about turtle eggs. Now let me tell you what you can do.
Go here. Surely it doesn't harm to go right?
Even better. Check out this WWFMALAYSIA WEBSITE. Then start pledging to save turtles. I repeat, PLEDGE TO SAVE TURTLES.
Or you may check out the Facebook page for details.
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Pledge to "Live Green" and save the poor turtles |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I Am Me
I'm seriously having personal issues lately. Of course, I have other
problems in hand but this is mainly focusing on my struggles that I am
facing for the first half of 2012. I constantly pushed it away because
of assignments and university stuffs, but since now I am free I have
plenty of time to think through and to ponder.
All my life, I get haters everywhere. Okay, to be honest all this while I thought of myself as some mediocre, all-average student who is neither rich nor famous. I am not someone worth being known. Not like people will get famous if they know me or something. I am neither pretty nor popular. Yet people still hate me. People say jealousy. Really? Is that so? Tried to convince myself on that. But obviously failed. Reasons are stated above and I am lazy to retype (or copy and paste) those statements again.
I did not really care because these people are not people close to me and whatever they think of me will not make my life any shorter or make me any poorer. In high school, it is normal to have these kind of dramas because well, most of us girls were immature back then and as we grow up, we would think back and laughed at our silliness. However, the thing is, I could not believe that the same thing happened in university as well. That would mean the same thing would happen in work, and these are what caused office politics.
In university, I was not a Dean' List holder or anything. I am a fat, average-looking young adult with baby-face. Yet, people still go on bitching about me. I do not know what would they bitch about. Seriously, people usually bitch around those who are better than them and I am not. But all these made me start to doubt whether people who are nice to me are actually hating me on the inside. They may smile at me and offer me help in anything, but who knows deep down inside they hate me.
Okay. Ifone were to analyze the reasons people hate me, I shall start thinking through and list them down.
Probable reasons why people hate me:
1) Attention seeker
I admit, I am. See how regularly I update my Facebook. But that is my nature. I like sharing. Sharing is caring. For those who know me, when I have something, I will always share around. Unless I know those people do not like me, I will just share with anyone. If I have a 1kg cake, I will ask everyone around me to have a slice. I am that kind of person. I catch people's attention by sharing, and sharing what I usually find out on Facebook is one of the ways.
2) Egoistic and full of pride
This is what I think turn most people off. Even though I described myself as an all-average fat girl, I still have ego of my own. Intelligence is what I always bragged around. Probably I am not as intelligent as I thought. Probably I am more intelligent than I thought. I do not know how to measure it myself. IQ scores are not too reliable. But one thing for sure, I am an extremist. I can be either very proud or humiliate myself a lot. When I am good at something, I will amplify my ego and said it as if I am super good at it. When I suck at something, I will say as if I am totally useless in that area. Hence, people may get offended with the ego I have. Nevertheless, there is one thing I would like to question these people. All the while I am flashing my ego, have I bring anyone down? Have I ever said that I am the best and you all suck? I do not recall doing so. I mentioned I am the best, but I do not say you people suck. I mentioned I am the best to myself and not to your face. I amplify my ego to boost my confidence, because I lack confidence in real life. I hate to admit it, but it is true. You see, in my high school, I am surrounded with beautiful and amazing people. National representative of squash and archery competition, awesome debaters, top scorers, medal winners, face of don't-know-what, scholarship holders overseas, just to name some. I am told though that I should be thankful of whatever I have, hence I listed the things I have and should be thankful. Is that considered ego? Maybe I overdo it a little, but if I do not do so, I will feel small and I do not want that. Feeling small do not bring me anywhere. But being proud does. I need the pride to build up my confidence so that I am daring to try up something new and then succeed in life. I'm so pathetic, huh?
3) Loud and talkative
I know some people cannot stand my incessantly loud ramblings which sometimes sting their ears. Seriously, as me a question and I cannot shut up once I start answering it. Potential salesgirl, I know =p but to me, I find being loud and talkative brightens the atmosphere. If there would be someone to brighten the atmosphere, that person would be me! I have this inability to shut up my mouth once I start chattering and hey, I make shy people start talking. Isn't that a good thing? Err...okay...probably being talkative before exams is not a good idea. My apologies for that =X
4) Sarcasm
My sarcastic remarks can be pretty nasty and derogating at times. This is what we call wit. Okay brush perasan-ness aside. Apologies for that. But sometimes wittiness is a fine art, and learn to appreciate it. Then do it back to me. I don't mind. As long as the sarcasm isn't lame and stupid, I accept it. Although sometimes, I admit, make lame, sarcastic remarks which make people go ==""
5) Shallow
I am deeply attracted to tall men with dark stylish hair, sexy dark eyes, tanned skin, nicely-sculpted triceps and chocolate six-pack abs. Deep voice and masculinity appeals me greatly too. I mention iPhone and Tiffany's all the time. People think of me as shallow because of that. ROFLMAO-ness. Sure, I adore pretty things and will not buy something that is not pretty. Hello, that is being hypocrite. By judging me as shallow because of these (which you people conveniently are too, don't deny it), aren't you making yourselves one of the hypocrites? Firstly, let me define "shallow". Putting looks, materials and things on the surface above everything else. Like making friends with posh and loaded rather than individuals who are rich with moral values and principles. Like choosing an LV bag over guilty conscience. Like bribery lah, people choose money over righteousness. How many of you are NOT like that? In fact, most of the people here are shallow. They see things on the surface and choose things on the surface. There are only a few people in this world that are not shallow, and we greedy people are not one of them. So please, do not judge me, for judging defines who you are as a matter of fact. I am shallow, and I do not mind mixing with shallow people. Why hate me when you yourselves are shallow? What a joke!
I cannot find other reasons liao. If you can think of it, feel free to comment. I do not mind anonymous comments, because what I care is the content, not the identity. If you dare to show your identity, even better lah at least I know what you think of me.
Oh yeah for Reason (2). As I mentioned before there are two types of egoistic people. One is the one who bring themselves up and they think highly of themselves only, and the other one is the one who bring others down to bring themselves up. I personally do not like the latter. Want to be ego, bring yourself up enough already lah. Why need to bring others down? Bringing others down will not bring you up, because even if you manage to bring others down under, you are still stuck at square one. You are still that lousy. Want to build ego, first add in qualities which you think you can build your ego in. Improve yourself. That way, you are ahead of others liao.
But one thing for sure. I shall tone down my ego =) humility is what defines a truly successful person, for a person who easily gets satisfied with success will not have his trophy last long. I think I am confident enough in life already, so I do need the extra ego anymore. Slap me if I start to become perasan (unless it is a joke...if you can differentiate between humour and really being perasan).
p/s: I can't stop you from hating me, but I can always clarify myself. So don't misunderstand this post as something to stop people from hating me. As the saying goes, one can never please people around the world. People are free to hate me. But I do not like being hated for no reason without at least clarifying myself. So there.
All my life, I get haters everywhere. Okay, to be honest all this while I thought of myself as some mediocre, all-average student who is neither rich nor famous. I am not someone worth being known. Not like people will get famous if they know me or something. I am neither pretty nor popular. Yet people still hate me. People say jealousy. Really? Is that so? Tried to convince myself on that. But obviously failed. Reasons are stated above and I am lazy to retype (or copy and paste) those statements again.
I did not really care because these people are not people close to me and whatever they think of me will not make my life any shorter or make me any poorer. In high school, it is normal to have these kind of dramas because well, most of us girls were immature back then and as we grow up, we would think back and laughed at our silliness. However, the thing is, I could not believe that the same thing happened in university as well. That would mean the same thing would happen in work, and these are what caused office politics.
In university, I was not a Dean' List holder or anything. I am a fat, average-looking young adult with baby-face. Yet, people still go on bitching about me. I do not know what would they bitch about. Seriously, people usually bitch around those who are better than them and I am not. But all these made me start to doubt whether people who are nice to me are actually hating me on the inside. They may smile at me and offer me help in anything, but who knows deep down inside they hate me.
Okay. Ifone were to analyze the reasons people hate me, I shall start thinking through and list them down.
Probable reasons why people hate me:
1) Attention seeker
I admit, I am. See how regularly I update my Facebook. But that is my nature. I like sharing. Sharing is caring. For those who know me, when I have something, I will always share around. Unless I know those people do not like me, I will just share with anyone. If I have a 1kg cake, I will ask everyone around me to have a slice. I am that kind of person. I catch people's attention by sharing, and sharing what I usually find out on Facebook is one of the ways.
2) Egoistic and full of pride
This is what I think turn most people off. Even though I described myself as an all-average fat girl, I still have ego of my own. Intelligence is what I always bragged around. Probably I am not as intelligent as I thought. Probably I am more intelligent than I thought. I do not know how to measure it myself. IQ scores are not too reliable. But one thing for sure, I am an extremist. I can be either very proud or humiliate myself a lot. When I am good at something, I will amplify my ego and said it as if I am super good at it. When I suck at something, I will say as if I am totally useless in that area. Hence, people may get offended with the ego I have. Nevertheless, there is one thing I would like to question these people. All the while I am flashing my ego, have I bring anyone down? Have I ever said that I am the best and you all suck? I do not recall doing so. I mentioned I am the best, but I do not say you people suck. I mentioned I am the best to myself and not to your face. I amplify my ego to boost my confidence, because I lack confidence in real life. I hate to admit it, but it is true. You see, in my high school, I am surrounded with beautiful and amazing people. National representative of squash and archery competition, awesome debaters, top scorers, medal winners, face of don't-know-what, scholarship holders overseas, just to name some. I am told though that I should be thankful of whatever I have, hence I listed the things I have and should be thankful. Is that considered ego? Maybe I overdo it a little, but if I do not do so, I will feel small and I do not want that. Feeling small do not bring me anywhere. But being proud does. I need the pride to build up my confidence so that I am daring to try up something new and then succeed in life. I'm so pathetic, huh?
3) Loud and talkative
I know some people cannot stand my incessantly loud ramblings which sometimes sting their ears. Seriously, as me a question and I cannot shut up once I start answering it. Potential salesgirl, I know =p but to me, I find being loud and talkative brightens the atmosphere. If there would be someone to brighten the atmosphere, that person would be me! I have this inability to shut up my mouth once I start chattering and hey, I make shy people start talking. Isn't that a good thing? Err...okay...probably being talkative before exams is not a good idea. My apologies for that =X
4) Sarcasm
My sarcastic remarks can be pretty nasty and derogating at times. This is what we call wit. Okay brush perasan-ness aside. Apologies for that. But sometimes wittiness is a fine art, and learn to appreciate it. Then do it back to me. I don't mind. As long as the sarcasm isn't lame and stupid, I accept it. Although sometimes, I admit, make lame, sarcastic remarks which make people go ==""
5) Shallow
I am deeply attracted to tall men with dark stylish hair, sexy dark eyes, tanned skin, nicely-sculpted triceps and chocolate six-pack abs. Deep voice and masculinity appeals me greatly too. I mention iPhone and Tiffany's all the time. People think of me as shallow because of that. ROFLMAO-ness. Sure, I adore pretty things and will not buy something that is not pretty. Hello, that is being hypocrite. By judging me as shallow because of these (which you people conveniently are too, don't deny it), aren't you making yourselves one of the hypocrites? Firstly, let me define "shallow". Putting looks, materials and things on the surface above everything else. Like making friends with posh and loaded rather than individuals who are rich with moral values and principles. Like choosing an LV bag over guilty conscience. Like bribery lah, people choose money over righteousness. How many of you are NOT like that? In fact, most of the people here are shallow. They see things on the surface and choose things on the surface. There are only a few people in this world that are not shallow, and we greedy people are not one of them. So please, do not judge me, for judging defines who you are as a matter of fact. I am shallow, and I do not mind mixing with shallow people. Why hate me when you yourselves are shallow? What a joke!
I cannot find other reasons liao. If you can think of it, feel free to comment. I do not mind anonymous comments, because what I care is the content, not the identity. If you dare to show your identity, even better lah at least I know what you think of me.
Oh yeah for Reason (2). As I mentioned before there are two types of egoistic people. One is the one who bring themselves up and they think highly of themselves only, and the other one is the one who bring others down to bring themselves up. I personally do not like the latter. Want to be ego, bring yourself up enough already lah. Why need to bring others down? Bringing others down will not bring you up, because even if you manage to bring others down under, you are still stuck at square one. You are still that lousy. Want to build ego, first add in qualities which you think you can build your ego in. Improve yourself. That way, you are ahead of others liao.
But one thing for sure. I shall tone down my ego =) humility is what defines a truly successful person, for a person who easily gets satisfied with success will not have his trophy last long. I think I am confident enough in life already, so I do need the extra ego anymore. Slap me if I start to become perasan (unless it is a joke...if you can differentiate between humour and really being perasan).
p/s: I can't stop you from hating me, but I can always clarify myself. So don't misunderstand this post as something to stop people from hating me. As the saying goes, one can never please people around the world. People are free to hate me. But I do not like being hated for no reason without at least clarifying myself. So there.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Kuching Is Treating Me GOOD
I love the feeling of being home. Kuching is the place which I am most familiar with. I can even close my eyes and memorize all the roads. Proud of being a Kuchingite. Too bad I will not be working here because of my line of work =(
Went out with Ah Chen today, one of my besties. Apparently most of my friends are either having finals or honeymoon-ing elsewhere, hence I shall have dates with her (and mostly HER) during my two-week holidays here.
Meh. Tried a new pair of swimsuit today. I seriously look fat...eww...extra layer at my belly and my flabby arms, not to forget my huge thighs. Curve itu memang got...but those bothering extras just ruin my curves LAH!!! Shall go jogging every morning (hopefully I have the motivation to wake up at 6.30am EVERY MORNING) and gym every Friday. Probably some swimming sessions will do too. I have a HUGE problem here. Ah Chen does not lift weights. That would mean I need to find gym instructor liao. But Curtin gym instructors are either fat or ugly or pervertic (meh the last time I went into the gym office and renew my gym membership card I asked about some weight-lifting advice and they offered to train me...with a "weird" look...eww no). Students? I know my future housemate (housemate liao lah...I move in already) lift weights. But I am not close to him. Hrmm. Or I also know a junior who apparently has a super-hot body hahaha (in my opinion hot lah...). His body shows that he's good at managing his own body. Thing is, he told me HE NEVER TRAIN GIRLS BEFORE. Boleh harap kah? Hrrmm...I sure do not want to end up looking like She-Hulk, or looking like him. That would scare all my suitors away XD haha even with my plump physique I am surprised to have suitors bothering my inbox 24-7 (don't be jealous, it ain't a good thing to be because I have interest in none). Yeah, the reason why I don't usually give away my number, HENCE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MY NUMBER, BE THANKFUL BECAUSE YOU'RE ON MY LIKE LIST. I AM A VERY PICKY PERSON HOR!!
Okay fuck those digression...anyway I want to build muscles to burn off fats and improve cardio. I know I mentioned before the priority for this is not high, but now it is high lor!! Firstly, for the beach getaway in August and secondly, for prom. I know people would be like, "No date for what worry?" Wrong. Because no date then I have to look at my very best. I want all the attention to be on me, ME AND ME. I have a bunch of friends what. And I am supporting my friends who are in Student Council what. Hence, need to look my best lor. How many times in life can I look my best? Prom is one of them, as you can see. I need to seriously be serious and make this as one of my priority okay??
Met up with my campusmates, Angelina, Eunice, Jia Yen, Kenny and Michele at Hui Sing. No pictures, like I said. Want my pictures, facebook then instagram. Not uploading here. Haha. Me so ewil.
Food tastes GOOD. Kuching food is soooo good and sooo cheap. Just tried Easy Drink Easy Go bubble tea and I am glad I ordered 30% sugar. Even with 30% sugar it is already sweet, imagine drinking full sugar? I'll sure die of diabetes man. For those who know me well, I do not like food that is too sweet. The feeling of having the sweetness overpowering the original taste and smell of the food or drink is just distasteful. Long story short. Sweetness in food or drinks need to be just right. A food or drink too sweet is just plain disgusting.
Okay. Off to bed feeling HAPPY. Jogging tomorrow morning. I'm seriously having a love-hate relationship with food.
Went out with Ah Chen today, one of my besties. Apparently most of my friends are either having finals or honeymoon-ing elsewhere, hence I shall have dates with her (and mostly HER) during my two-week holidays here.
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3-piece Ogival swimsuit...RM89.90 reasonable price...problem is I LOOK FAT >< |
Okay fuck those digression...anyway I want to build muscles to burn off fats and improve cardio. I know I mentioned before the priority for this is not high, but now it is high lor!! Firstly, for the beach getaway in August and secondly, for prom. I know people would be like, "No date for what worry?" Wrong. Because no date then I have to look at my very best. I want all the attention to be on me, ME AND ME. I have a bunch of friends what. And I am supporting my friends who are in Student Council what. Hence, need to look my best lor. How many times in life can I look my best? Prom is one of them, as you can see. I need to seriously be serious and make this as one of my priority okay??
Met up with my campusmates, Angelina, Eunice, Jia Yen, Kenny and Michele at Hui Sing. No pictures, like I said. Want my pictures, facebook then instagram. Not uploading here. Haha. Me so ewil.
Food tastes GOOD. Kuching food is soooo good and sooo cheap. Just tried Easy Drink Easy Go bubble tea and I am glad I ordered 30% sugar. Even with 30% sugar it is already sweet, imagine drinking full sugar? I'll sure die of diabetes man. For those who know me well, I do not like food that is too sweet. The feeling of having the sweetness overpowering the original taste and smell of the food or drink is just distasteful. Long story short. Sweetness in food or drinks need to be just right. A food or drink too sweet is just plain disgusting.
Okay. Off to bed feeling HAPPY. Jogging tomorrow morning. I'm seriously having a love-hate relationship with food.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My Sister's Keeper
I READ A NOVEL. It's been a while since I read non-engineering books. Jodi Picoult my love =D somehow I managed to finish reading this within ONE DAY, despite all the packing and cleaning of my new room.
I bet most who read this is not a reader of Jodi Picoult so it's okay for me to type the synopsis here. After all, the main thing of this post is about interpretation of the synopsis, not the synopsis itself.
This is a beautifully-written novel which is basically about the struggle and search of finding a true identity of a thirteen-year-old girl. She was a genetically-modified baby made to donate stem cells for her older sister, who was ill. For all these years she lived donating parts of the body without her consent and one day, she realized she had enough. From stem cells to granulocytes to kidney. No one wants to have her kidney cut off, of course. From there, she filed a lawsuit to have her body medically emancipated from her parents. After all the struggles, she had the emancipation but somehow she was involved in a car accident so she ended up donating the kidney to her older sister anyway.
The girl felt that she was born for her sister. The reason why her parents conceived her was to donate stem cells for her sister. And then, whenever her sister fell ill, she was always hospitalized along with her sister to donate different parts inside her body. Blood, cells (okay I feel pain as I type this). Imagine going through all the pain, without her consent. Her parents never asked her whether she wanted it or not; all that was running in their mind was to save their older sister. Sure, it is important to save the life of the sick as the older sister was sick and the younger one not. However, was it fair for the healthy to go through all the pain just to save the life of the sick? Was it fair to take away her body parts and then leaving her sick and hospitalized multiple times just to keep the older sister alive? And now, they were asking her to donate a kidney ALIVE. Imagine living life with only one kidney. Can still live, but it makes her no different from her sick sister, as both are living on one kidney. Was it fair for someone healthy to go through all this pain?
Even if she won the lawsuit and obtained the emancipation, she would have this dilemma. The decision made somewhat means she's killing her sister, indirectly. God did make her life for a purpose though, by twist of fate she was involved in an accident. That ended her dilemma as she would donate the kidney for her sister in the end. The kidney was the final gift from her with undivided love. Best thing is, the love was not one-sided. Her sick sister actually felt the pain she had to endure, and actually supported her to fight for her own body. She (sick sister) felt even more sick having to see her healthy sister going through all the pain, which she wasn't suppose to. She said, "I had enough". She wanted all these donation to stop and just let her die. Somehow, it did not end that way. The sister had her kidney and lived a normal life, and even wrote the epilogue in 2010.
If the older sister was not sick, she would not be conceived. Then she would not exist. But in a way the mother did admit she was selfish as she only make decisions which was best for her older daughter, not the younger one. She never asked the younger daughter whether she "wanted to do it" or not. She only assumed that the younger one was the extra piece of meat meant to cut and fed for the elder one.
But if the younger one was not born, will the older sister die? Based on the novel, there are some other ways, but those ways are higher at risk and are not definite. Conceiving a newborn baby and having the child to donate parts to the sick sibling is the best, by means having the highest chance of saving the sick sibling. But no one ever considered the feeling of the donor. If the donor is dead can understand. But all these were donated when the donor was alive and she could feel the pain all her life. The only person that actually considered the pain of the donor was the sick sister, who was also the patient. Ironically.
I could somewhat feel the struggle each side was feeling; the parents, the younger sister and the elder sister. The emotions depicted were beautiful, and heart-wrecking at the same time. One could actually feel the dilemma felt; the pain experienced; the feeling of being treated unfairly; the guilt of having one to go through all the pain when she doesn't even need to. All the mixtures of these feelings ultimately brought to one thing - LOVE. The love from the parents to the sick daughter. The love from the sick sister to the healthy sister. The love from the healthy sister to the sick sister. The love from the parents to the healthy sister. The love from the healthy daughter to the parents. If it was not love, the dilemma can never be solved. The love from the healthy sister to the sick sister ultimately conquers all. She donated the kidney before she died. It was because of this one quote:
"Only one thing's a constant. "Ten years from now," I say, "I'd like to be Kate's sister.""
FYI Kate's the sick sister. I have this habit of not mentioning names. Don't mind me.
All these actually questioned me about the ethics by medical officers regarding the decisions made which involves one life or the other. One such example is a Siamese twin, with one of them fatally ill. The surgeons faced a dilemma on whether to end the life of one of the twins so that the other one could live or not to do it at all, as it is considered murder (morally). There, I just stirred up yet another dilemma. Pandai betul me.
All in all, it is a beautiful novel worth reading =) and worth the money spent. RM35 ahhh.
p/s: My sentimental side is growing.
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My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult =) |
This is a beautifully-written novel which is basically about the struggle and search of finding a true identity of a thirteen-year-old girl. She was a genetically-modified baby made to donate stem cells for her older sister, who was ill. For all these years she lived donating parts of the body without her consent and one day, she realized she had enough. From stem cells to granulocytes to kidney. No one wants to have her kidney cut off, of course. From there, she filed a lawsuit to have her body medically emancipated from her parents. After all the struggles, she had the emancipation but somehow she was involved in a car accident so she ended up donating the kidney to her older sister anyway.
The girl felt that she was born for her sister. The reason why her parents conceived her was to donate stem cells for her sister. And then, whenever her sister fell ill, she was always hospitalized along with her sister to donate different parts inside her body. Blood, cells (okay I feel pain as I type this). Imagine going through all the pain, without her consent. Her parents never asked her whether she wanted it or not; all that was running in their mind was to save their older sister. Sure, it is important to save the life of the sick as the older sister was sick and the younger one not. However, was it fair for the healthy to go through all the pain just to save the life of the sick? Was it fair to take away her body parts and then leaving her sick and hospitalized multiple times just to keep the older sister alive? And now, they were asking her to donate a kidney ALIVE. Imagine living life with only one kidney. Can still live, but it makes her no different from her sick sister, as both are living on one kidney. Was it fair for someone healthy to go through all this pain?
Even if she won the lawsuit and obtained the emancipation, she would have this dilemma. The decision made somewhat means she's killing her sister, indirectly. God did make her life for a purpose though, by twist of fate she was involved in an accident. That ended her dilemma as she would donate the kidney for her sister in the end. The kidney was the final gift from her with undivided love. Best thing is, the love was not one-sided. Her sick sister actually felt the pain she had to endure, and actually supported her to fight for her own body. She (sick sister) felt even more sick having to see her healthy sister going through all the pain, which she wasn't suppose to. She said, "I had enough". She wanted all these donation to stop and just let her die. Somehow, it did not end that way. The sister had her kidney and lived a normal life, and even wrote the epilogue in 2010.
If the older sister was not sick, she would not be conceived. Then she would not exist. But in a way the mother did admit she was selfish as she only make decisions which was best for her older daughter, not the younger one. She never asked the younger daughter whether she "wanted to do it" or not. She only assumed that the younger one was the extra piece of meat meant to cut and fed for the elder one.
But if the younger one was not born, will the older sister die? Based on the novel, there are some other ways, but those ways are higher at risk and are not definite. Conceiving a newborn baby and having the child to donate parts to the sick sibling is the best, by means having the highest chance of saving the sick sibling. But no one ever considered the feeling of the donor. If the donor is dead can understand. But all these were donated when the donor was alive and she could feel the pain all her life. The only person that actually considered the pain of the donor was the sick sister, who was also the patient. Ironically.
I could somewhat feel the struggle each side was feeling; the parents, the younger sister and the elder sister. The emotions depicted were beautiful, and heart-wrecking at the same time. One could actually feel the dilemma felt; the pain experienced; the feeling of being treated unfairly; the guilt of having one to go through all the pain when she doesn't even need to. All the mixtures of these feelings ultimately brought to one thing - LOVE. The love from the parents to the sick daughter. The love from the sick sister to the healthy sister. The love from the healthy sister to the sick sister. The love from the parents to the healthy sister. The love from the healthy daughter to the parents. If it was not love, the dilemma can never be solved. The love from the healthy sister to the sick sister ultimately conquers all. She donated the kidney before she died. It was because of this one quote:
"Only one thing's a constant. "Ten years from now," I say, "I'd like to be Kate's sister.""
FYI Kate's the sick sister. I have this habit of not mentioning names. Don't mind me.
All these actually questioned me about the ethics by medical officers regarding the decisions made which involves one life or the other. One such example is a Siamese twin, with one of them fatally ill. The surgeons faced a dilemma on whether to end the life of one of the twins so that the other one could live or not to do it at all, as it is considered murder (morally). There, I just stirred up yet another dilemma. Pandai betul me.
All in all, it is a beautiful novel worth reading =) and worth the money spent. RM35 ahhh.
p/s: My sentimental side is growing.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Saya Pun Tidak Tahu Sudah (It's About Sunset By The Way)
That means "I myself do not know already" in BM. Gah. Plan to immerse myself with alcohol but told myself not to. I.am.quitting.drinking. Drank too much. Too much is not good. I vow to live healthily (except indulging myself in good food sometimes...hehe...food is good).
Seeing sunset at the beach photos taken by one of my friends in Kuching made me wish I can see the sunset and feel it as well. Wish I can run to the beach (I mean CLEAN beach not dirty disgusting beach with rubbish everywhere and polluted sea water) barefooted while enjoying the beautiful sunset. It would be better to walk into the sea barefooted and enjoy the warm sea water tingling on my skin. It would best to be blended with the sunset. You know what? Sunset on a beach is probably one of the most beautiful things happen in nature. And sadly, the most beautiful thing often happens in such a short span of time.
Life's like that. Good things often happen in our lives, but they only lasted for a moment. Yet, that moment is what we choose to remember. There are so many misfortunes in our lives that happen to us everyday, yet we choose to remember that one beautiful moment that happened ONCE and lasted for about less than...a minute? I know I make it as if it sounds so sad, but the same goes for sunset. There are so many things happening in a day, such as rain, sunshine, night time, storm and all, but yet we choose to remember the beautiful sunset. Sunset is most beautiful at the beach, not between skyscrapers. See? We're being selective again. It must be at the beach then only it is beautiful. Not between skyscrapers or in an industrial area. Wish I can go to Bali to watch sunset *dreams*.
Come to think of it, I missed the KK trip, meaning I cannot go to the beach. Sad much. Burned my air tickets because of one competition which I am not sure I can even make it or not. Sigh. Pretty much of a risk taker am I?
p/s: Never know my post can be so digressing; from tidak tahu to sunset and then KK trip. Very the funny I am.
Seeing sunset at the beach photos taken by one of my friends in Kuching made me wish I can see the sunset and feel it as well. Wish I can run to the beach (I mean CLEAN beach not dirty disgusting beach with rubbish everywhere and polluted sea water) barefooted while enjoying the beautiful sunset. It would be better to walk into the sea barefooted and enjoy the warm sea water tingling on my skin. It would best to be blended with the sunset. You know what? Sunset on a beach is probably one of the most beautiful things happen in nature. And sadly, the most beautiful thing often happens in such a short span of time.
Life's like that. Good things often happen in our lives, but they only lasted for a moment. Yet, that moment is what we choose to remember. There are so many misfortunes in our lives that happen to us everyday, yet we choose to remember that one beautiful moment that happened ONCE and lasted for about less than...a minute? I know I make it as if it sounds so sad, but the same goes for sunset. There are so many things happening in a day, such as rain, sunshine, night time, storm and all, but yet we choose to remember the beautiful sunset. Sunset is most beautiful at the beach, not between skyscrapers. See? We're being selective again. It must be at the beach then only it is beautiful. Not between skyscrapers or in an industrial area. Wish I can go to Bali to watch sunset *dreams*.
Come to think of it, I missed the KK trip, meaning I cannot go to the beach. Sad much. Burned my air tickets because of one competition which I am not sure I can even make it or not. Sigh. Pretty much of a risk taker am I?
p/s: Never know my post can be so digressing; from tidak tahu to sunset and then KK trip. Very the funny I am.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Challenge Accepted
My fingers do not look like one, but I am a qualified pianist. A pianist who holds a Grade 8 certificate. Yet, I have stopped playing since 2007 (wow that's like 5 years) ever since I passed my Grade 8. Now don't get me wrong. I like piano a lot. It's just that I am not a person who is able to put stress and fun together at the same time. As piano examinations get tougher and tougher, I begin hating piano because I am merely playing for the sake of passing, not for the sake of leisure. Hence, I stopped playing.
The piano thing came back last year when I attended Uncle Johnny's cell group. Occasionally, I went to play piano at his house and exercise my stiff fingers. I need to warm up after taking such a long break. My roommate also tried to learn piano by her own attempt and managed to play a couple of songs. I, on the other hand, took piano lightly until one day, no one played piano for the cell group, and naturally, since I was the only one there, I had to play piano. Here comes the big problem.
I never play gospel piano chords before.
All this while I am trained to be a performer and played songs instead of playing chords to accompany songs. It was a challenge definitely, plus I had not touched piano for a long time. My knowledge for harmony and chords have somewhat gone rusty. At least I still remember I-IV-V (augmented) and V-I (perfect). Hehe.
This does not end there. Few weeks ago, a friend of mine invited me to attend an Anglican church service specially catered for students (mostly from Sabah...why...). I joined and the very next week I joined Uncle Johnny for lunch. We had a chat regarding the service and out of the blue I suddenly asked this question (until today I still do not know WHY ON EARTH WILL I ASK SUCH QUESTION ><):
"Uncle, do they need any pianist for the service?"
Oh my goodness. Why would I even ask such question? And coincidentally, the pianist, who is also the worship leader, will be graduating soon. Hence, there will be no pianist and they will need a pianist. Sounds like it is planned, huh? I asked for volunteer and they will be short of pianist soon. Look at how God works His wonders. I guess it is a calling, huh? For me to serve the church and God. I am not a really good singer so I need to have some other ways to praise Him. How? By utilizing the skill that I have learned for years, which is by playing piano.
Problem is, I never played chords before. I am so used and accustomed to performance style (melody + accompaniment; melody chords + accompaniment chords) that I am not used to play accompaniment on both hands. It is something totally new to me. Honestly. What if I screw up during the service like how I screwed up during the cell group (luckily most of them are nice so they do not mind)?
Oh well, I guess there is a reason for me to learn piano until Grade 8 and me suddenly wanting to be a volunteer. Serving God is a way of glorifying His name and His greatness, and it is a calling for me to do so. Serving Him is a way of thanking Him for saving me from despair for so many times. I realized that I am a much happier person now (thanks to Him definitely). I see world more positively, and there is no such thing as "no way out".
Okay, Jesus, challenge accepted. I will overcome this challenge, master gospel chords and serve You professionally and enthusiastically.
The piano thing came back last year when I attended Uncle Johnny's cell group. Occasionally, I went to play piano at his house and exercise my stiff fingers. I need to warm up after taking such a long break. My roommate also tried to learn piano by her own attempt and managed to play a couple of songs. I, on the other hand, took piano lightly until one day, no one played piano for the cell group, and naturally, since I was the only one there, I had to play piano. Here comes the big problem.
I never play gospel piano chords before.
All this while I am trained to be a performer and played songs instead of playing chords to accompany songs. It was a challenge definitely, plus I had not touched piano for a long time. My knowledge for harmony and chords have somewhat gone rusty. At least I still remember I-IV-V (augmented) and V-I (perfect). Hehe.
This does not end there. Few weeks ago, a friend of mine invited me to attend an Anglican church service specially catered for students (mostly from Sabah...why...). I joined and the very next week I joined Uncle Johnny for lunch. We had a chat regarding the service and out of the blue I suddenly asked this question (until today I still do not know WHY ON EARTH WILL I ASK SUCH QUESTION ><):
"Uncle, do they need any pianist for the service?"
Oh my goodness. Why would I even ask such question? And coincidentally, the pianist, who is also the worship leader, will be graduating soon. Hence, there will be no pianist and they will need a pianist. Sounds like it is planned, huh? I asked for volunteer and they will be short of pianist soon. Look at how God works His wonders. I guess it is a calling, huh? For me to serve the church and God. I am not a really good singer so I need to have some other ways to praise Him. How? By utilizing the skill that I have learned for years, which is by playing piano.
Problem is, I never played chords before. I am so used and accustomed to performance style (melody + accompaniment; melody chords + accompaniment chords) that I am not used to play accompaniment on both hands. It is something totally new to me. Honestly. What if I screw up during the service like how I screwed up during the cell group (luckily most of them are nice so they do not mind)?
Oh well, I guess there is a reason for me to learn piano until Grade 8 and me suddenly wanting to be a volunteer. Serving God is a way of glorifying His name and His greatness, and it is a calling for me to do so. Serving Him is a way of thanking Him for saving me from despair for so many times. I realized that I am a much happier person now (thanks to Him definitely). I see world more positively, and there is no such thing as "no way out".
Okay, Jesus, challenge accepted. I will overcome this challenge, master gospel chords and serve You professionally and enthusiastically.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Dream December
I know this shall be a dream but hey, a dream is supposed to be part of our lives, right? And right now I am dreaming of my December holiday (of course I will be interning but I will not SERIOUSLY intern for the sake of interning but rather, intern for the sake of experience nia mah).
Here goes the timeline for what I have planned (hopefully it will happen...by winning 4D or Toto LOL):
Beginning of Dec - Japan for holiday and on 5 Dec I will be attending Big Bang Special Finale at Tokyo Dome yay!!! Of course, holiday around Tokyo, Saitama and the outskirts. If possible I hope I can travel around Saitama as well.
Somewhere in the middle - After Japan, straightaway go to Singapore to attend Zoukout. I have long known the existence but never attended it because of FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS. As if my parents will sponsor me to go clubbing at the beach (no way they will sponsor me that and if I want to go, I have to buy lottery and WIN IT). Sad case, huh?
Christmas and Christmas Eve - What better plans to celebrate than with family members? =)
I think I need at least RM100k for all these crap.
Pardon me for being such a dreamer ehehe.
p/s: I want a new Gucci handbag *dreams again* and a pair of Escada shoes. Yayy!!! I know I am a shallow, materialistic bitch who love brand names. Yet, you do not see me with one, except for my Playboy glasses (they have already been discounted with 50%, which is student rate for goodness' sake) and my MNG hoodie which I seldom wear unless I'm in a super cold air-con room during finals. Reason? I'm too poor to even be a shallow, materialistic bitch who love brand names. But please, if anyone of us are given a chance (meaning money), we will love brand names. Surely not obsessed, but at least prefer it over something unknown right? Admit it. Don't start being a hypocrite by saying how people are being enslaved in the world of brand names and they themselves envy others who use it. Pui!!!
p/s/s: Sorry for the digressing rant. I shall sleep now. Nitez!!!
Here goes the timeline for what I have planned (hopefully it will happen...by winning 4D or Toto LOL):
Beginning of Dec - Japan for holiday and on 5 Dec I will be attending Big Bang Special Finale at Tokyo Dome yay!!! Of course, holiday around Tokyo, Saitama and the outskirts. If possible I hope I can travel around Saitama as well.
Somewhere in the middle - After Japan, straightaway go to Singapore to attend Zoukout. I have long known the existence but never attended it because of FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS. As if my parents will sponsor me to go clubbing at the beach (no way they will sponsor me that and if I want to go, I have to buy lottery and WIN IT). Sad case, huh?
Christmas and Christmas Eve - What better plans to celebrate than with family members? =)
I think I need at least RM100k for all these crap.
Pardon me for being such a dreamer ehehe.
p/s: I want a new Gucci handbag *dreams again* and a pair of Escada shoes. Yayy!!! I know I am a shallow, materialistic bitch who love brand names. Yet, you do not see me with one, except for my Playboy glasses (they have already been discounted with 50%, which is student rate for goodness' sake) and my MNG hoodie which I seldom wear unless I'm in a super cold air-con room during finals. Reason? I'm too poor to even be a shallow, materialistic bitch who love brand names. But please, if anyone of us are given a chance (meaning money), we will love brand names. Surely not obsessed, but at least prefer it over something unknown right? Admit it. Don't start being a hypocrite by saying how people are being enslaved in the world of brand names and they themselves envy others who use it. Pui!!!
p/s/s: Sorry for the digressing rant. I shall sleep now. Nitez!!!
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