This will be a green post, hence the green font here ;)
How on earth did I end up writing about environmentally-friendly post?
It all started minutes ago when I was listening to DBSK's Bolero piano cover and tried learning it by ear (with difficulties, of course) when Angelina inboxed me and asked me to do this pledge to go green. I read her blog and of course pledged to go green. It is important to go green. Earth originally consist of two colours - blue and green. And green coincidentally reminds me of...TURTLES.
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TMNT, anyone? Err...okay let's not get digressed and focus on the main point below =) |
Well, basically, this pledge is about stopping Malaysians from consuming turtle eggs. I am fine with not consuming turtle eggs because I never consume one before. I am proud of it!! And one of the reasons why turtles are closer to extinction is because of the consumption of eggs. Common sense, turtles come from eggs and if we eat the eggs, we indirectly reduce the amount of turtles (future turtles to be exact) that will live in this world. I am going to be very sarcastic at the next few paragraphs so that those turtle egg consumers will feel "ouch" when they read those and thus not touching the eggs anymore.
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Telur penyu aka turtle eggs...when they're untouched |
Well, some may be stupid enough to argue that the eggs are laid on the beach, and if we do not take it, rugi lah us. Common sense lah people, there is a reason why turtles lay eggs on the beach and abandon the eggs there. You think turtles are so considerate to leave the eggs there just to end up in your stomach? The reason why turtles lay eggs on the beach is because eggs need to be hatched and be kept warm. Ever wonder why hens hatch their eggs? Even wonder why birds keep eggs on their nests and hatch it? Eggs need to be kept warm so that they can break out from the eggs. Like us, eggs also need an optimum temperature to develop. Asking why eggs are being hatched is like asking why are we inside our mothers' womb. Stupid betul. They, like us, need warmth. Which turtles are stupid enough to leave the eggs into the sea? Unless they are sane enough to kill their babies inside the eggs, I am sure no sane turtles will do that.
I forsee another stupid question. If turtle eggs need to be hatched, why not the turtles keep guard of the eggs? Simple, because turtles are reptiles. They lay eggs and then leave the eggs there to be hatched. Then they begin looking for food and survive. Turtles are not human beings; they do not have high IQ. If you think turtles can forsee all these, then you are as dumb as the turtles. It is the turtles' nature to lay eggs onto the beach and then leave the eggs onto the beach. You seriously think turtles are psychics and can forsee hungry, greedy human beings like you to eat their eggs and then guard their eggs all the time? If that happens, then the mother turtles will not have to lose their eggs to your stomachs already.
Okay. Here comes another argument. Even if the baby turtles managed to come out of their shells and travel back to the sea, many died on the way. Might as well not waste the eggs by eating them rather than having them die along the journey (more on that later). Wah so smart of you to be able to think of that!! Who are you turtle egg eaters to decide their life and death? Only God decides each baby turtle's lifespan, not you. What gives you the right to even take the eggs and eat them without asking the permission from the mother turtles? Even if you asked for the permission, it is definitely wrong to take the turtle eggs and eat them. They are lives and they are endangered. These eggs are not from your pet turtles, so you definitely do not have the permission to eat those. You take the eggs from their nests, not take the eggs from your pet turtle (if you even have one).
One last argument. Turtle eggs delicious what, so we want to eat lo. In that case, well congratulations for having weird sense of taste. Turtle eggs are slimy even after cooked (of what I heard), so I do not find anything tasty there. You have weird sense of taste, or is it that you people enjoy eating something wild and endangered? As if eating something exotic will increase your IQ or extend your lifespan. Let me tell you honey, it won't. What you did only reduces the amount of turtles on Earth greatly. That is all. And turning turtle fetuses into shit. This is totally degrading turtles. If the mother turtles knew about this, they will be devastatingly upset.
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Turtle eggs sold in market |
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Turtle eggs made as meal (seriously???) |
Like I have mentioned earlier, those turtles which managed to come out from their shells died on the way of travelling back to sea. That means very few turtles will survive the journey. Out of 1000 eggs hatched, probably 900 turtles will manage to come out of the shells alive. Out of 900 eggs which went back to the sea, probably only 400 made it. The rest either died on land as preys for carnivores or died in the sea. So, if the human beings were being cruel enough to take the eggs for food, there will be even less turtle survivors, meaning the turtles will be even closer to extinction. Now do you get the clearer picture?
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CUTE baby turtles travelling back to the sea once they are born...awww <3 aren't they cute??? |
So please, stop eating turtle eggs. Chicken eggs are delicious what. They are obtained from farms (with permission in a way) and they do are not even at the verge of extinction. Chicken eggs are found in cakes, puddings, omelettes, pies, tarts, soups, ANYTHING. I love chicken eggs =D
Okay I have ranted long about turtle eggs. Now let me tell you what you can do.
Go here. Surely it doesn't harm to go right?
Even better. Check out this WWFMALAYSIA WEBSITE. Then start pledging to save turtles. I repeat, PLEDGE TO SAVE TURTLES.
Or you may check out the Facebook page for details.
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Pledge to "Live Green" and save the poor turtles |
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