Monday, August 08, 2011

Top 5 Signs You're a Full-time University Student

1) Irregular sleeping hours
You sleep at 11am and wake up at 1pm. You then stay up all night and sleep in the morning. Wait, you have night class. Gah. Sleep in the afternoon. Morning class the next day, yet assignments piling. Sleep for one or two hours first, then continue doing assignments. In short, your biological clock will never be fixed unless you're having semester break.

2) Irregular eating hours
You have a breakfast as early as 7 or as late as 10. You either skip lunch or have your lunch as late as 3pm. You either have early dinner around 5 something or late dinner around 8 something.

3) Assignments complain; Clubbing no complain
You have an assignment due tomorrow, hence causing you to stay up until 3am. You complain. You went to clubbing with friends all night long until the sun rises, and you have an 8am class the next day. You do not complain.

4) You begin to talk dirty
In high school, if anyone happened to say something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. In university, if you squeal or try avoiding talking something dirty, people will give you some disapproving stares. Come on. It's a university, which students are mostly 18 and above. Even girls are discussing openly about their virginity with their male campusmates.

5) You feel as if there are too many things to handle
Well, of course. In high school, people help us complete our tasks. Here, we are given tasks to complete all on our own. To begin with, you need to seek for help. Minimal help is given, and you think that they're very selfish. You need to start managing your own expenses, time, assignments, schedules and the list goes on and on and on. If you still find your lifestyle relaxing, well, it's probably because you still have this high school mentality that things will just go shazam and poof! It's solved. No.

LOL. That's it for now.