Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nothing Wrong to be a Shallow Woman

Whatever I have typed has no right or wrong. Everything is solely based on my own opinion (well, of course since this is my blog), and any ideas and comments can be shared. Ideas and opinions EXCEPT DEROGATORY comments.

Consider this scenario:
Betty and Martin were high school friends. Betty was a bespectacled girl with braces and is often seen with a ponytail. She is definitely well-known not by her looks, but by her grades and her leadership skills. Betty was the student council president in her school. Sounds like an average-looking girl who is impressive on the inside, huh? Feminists would definitely be happy for Martin to date a girl like Betty. However, it turns out that Martin is attempting to court Felicia instead of Betty. Felicia, a beautiful, five foot seven blonde with slender figure and flawless complexion, is undoubtedly attractive in the eyes of many men. Felicia, other than being beautiful and fashionable, has nothing else being outstanding, unlike Betty. Of course, Martin and Felicia ended up dating, while Betty was biting her lips at the other end.

Feminists will definitely be outraged with Martin's choice. Why pick a girl who is more concerned about Chanel rather than chemistry? A girl like Betty would be a better choice to have a substantial conversation with rather than Felicia. What does she know? She knows nothing about politics. She is ignorant about the knowledge of Obama being the first black president. She does not care why Blue Label tasted better than Red Label. She only knows that cocktail makes her high. But in truth, it is Felicia being so shallow and superficial that makes guys like Martin so attracted to her. And so many girls choose to be like Felicia, rather than Betty.

Okay, those confused feminists will go like, WHY???

Firstly, let me define a shallow woman.

A shallow woman is a woman (of course) who is more concerned about the exterior, of what can be seen above everything else. Looks, wealth and fame. These can be seen, and can be obtained.

A typical shallow woman looks something like this:

Hair done at Alan Salon using L'Oreal products. Sunglasses from Topshop, dress from Zara and belt from MNG. A typical shallow woman normally aim for fashion and brand name onto her body. The more, the better.
The reasons for looking like this:

1) Brings up the status. Well, this society is superficial itself. First impression counts, and to make a very good first impression, you have to look trendy. Imagine going to an interview or meeting a client with a second-hand blouse bought from Sunday market and shoes from streets. Will those people, whom you will meet for the first time think, "Aiya looks doesn't matter one lah. Who knows she is a super intelligent girl with an IQ of 200." No, no, no, they do not think like that at all. To them, if we do not dress to impress them, they will not be convinced that they are impressed themselves. It is all about first impression. I know, why waste money (few hundreds, or even thousands of dollars) just to impress someone?

Which leads to the second point, which is...

2) Self-satisfaction. In layman's terms, vanity lor. Women are vain, and what better way to satisfy their vanity than to look beautiful and fashionable? Don't you dare to disagree that you will have your confidence increased when you look better. That will be a hypocritical statement. Even those messy women with disheveled hair (assuming she has super high confidence in herself) will also feel better once she takes a proper bath and is properly dressed, in proper fashion and brand names.

3) Determining their choices. Have you ever seen women indirectly (or directly for some) showing off their latest nail art, shoes and jewelry? They compare to see whose one was better. Once again, feminists will say what is the point comparing material with empty but monetary values? Lol. I shall say it is for the sake of fulfilling one's security to ensure that those women have good taste. By comparing, they are assured and reaffirmed that they indeed have good taste in beautiful things. You will feel better making right choices right? Making right choices is important. If someone does not know how to choose shoes that complement herself the most, how sure is she that she can find the right man that shows most of her best qualities? Choices made are very important, and how someone makes a choice determines the what kind of life she chooses to have. Make sense?

Yes, it is undeniable that the main reason for shallow women to be so appealing is just for entertainment. People love shallow women because they are so good to look at. Simple. You see those Facebook posts and Instagram photos that garnered many likes? A few of them were real, artistic photography made my professional photographer using DSLR. Most of them were superficial, shallow photos of makeups, nail art, fashion, selfie and beautiful food photos. And one more thing. Partying lifestyle. Everything is so superficial. Yet people love seeing it. People enjoy seeing this kind of lifestyle. People wish they can live like this. Looking beautiful and partying like the world ends tomorrow. Because deep down inside, this is what majority of this world wants. They study like a nerd and earn tons of cash just to be shallow and live like a shallow person. To be rich, beautiful and famous.

No matter at which point of life, everyone wants to live like that. It is only a matter of time when you will start this.

I read Jane Austen's books and my favourite one is Emma, and it has always been Emma. It used to be Pride and Prejudice, but I changed my mind once I read Emma. Anyway, digression aside, Emma too was the typical shallow girl who match made people based on exterior values. She too was attracted with Frank because of looks. Yet at the end of the day, Emma somehow found her way to Knightley, a man who is not her type at all. Lol.

Point is, it is okay to be shallow. Because that is who we are. Do not have to act all deep and intense (unless you are really like that), because that only makes you a hypocrite. Majority of the people in this world are shallow people. Just embrace it, and see where it brings you.

p/s: Shallow is not to be confused with bimbo. Shallow women can be very intelligent as well. It is just that they choose to see life based on exterior values, rather than looking into deeper depth of life. Bimbo, on the other hand, cannot see anything at all because they are unintelligent themselves.

p/s/s: I shall end this blog post with another typical shallow picture of me. Hehe.