Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Interesting" Sejarah

I found out one very good method to study Form 4 sejarah...haha...which is to find interesting things which we'll surely remember one...

Info no.1:
In chapter 1, Ibn Khaldun, a Tunisian historician and an Islamic sociologist, suggested that a typical city's lifestyle can only exist when there's semangat assabiah in us. However, in chapter 4, the Arabians had countless wars, including Peperangan al-Basus are due to their semangat assabiah. Hmm...that means Ibn Khaldun did not read history about Jahiliah??? Haha...just kidding...just a way to memorize sej.

Info no.2:
Kod Undang-undang Hammurabi.
Undang-undang ini berteraskan hak rakyat terhadap keadilan.

However, the punishments towards criminals were according to social status. Is that what we call justice???

Info no.3:
Undang-undang Rom:
1) undang-undang sivil
2) undang-undang rakyat
3) undang-undang natural

1) Semua manusia sama di sisi undang-undang.
2) Seseorang tidak bersalah sehingga terbukti bersalah.
3) Keadilan terhadap setiap individu.
4) Hukuman berasaskan bukti yang cukup.

As we all knw, these three laws are applied in today's courts. However, do the principles still remain today?

1st principle: No, because nowadays those hgh-ranked people can just intimidate people with power or just bribe the court.
2nd principle: No, because nowadays people can create their own proofs to frame others.
3rd principle: No, because lawyers nowadays prefer to accept the cases based on how much one offers them and not whether one is guilty or innocent.
4th principle: Yes. Unfortunately, the proofs can be manipulated by some sly lawyers.

So now can you remember those Undang-undang Rom better?

Info no.4:
Raja dibantu oleh:
- Pentadbiran daerah Datu
- Pentadbiran pusat

Pentadbiran Daerah Datu dibahagi kepada dua, iaitu:
- Datu keturunan raja(Parvanda)
- Datu bukan keturunan raja(Bhupati)

Pentadbiran pusat(anak raja):
- Yuvaraja
- Pratiyuvaraja
- Raja Kumara
- Raja Putra

Tip: Raja putra is anak gundik.

Di bawah anak raja:
- parvanda(senapati), who is also the ketua pentadbiran pusat.

Here's the thing. Why the datu keturunan raja and the ketua pentadbiran pusat shares the same name??? No other nameskah?

Can rememberleh...

Info no.5:
This is about Nabi Muhammad's family tie and his family info.

As we all know, Nabi Muhammad's father is Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib and he has a rebellious uncle named Abu Lahab bin Abdul Muttalib.

However, do you know that Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib is also Nabi Muhammad's uncle? Therefore, Ali bin Abu Talib is his cousin.'s sad that he can only become a khalifah aka king of Islamic kingdom after his cousin's death for 24

Oh ya, do you know that Nabi Muhammad's 1st wife, Khadijah binti Khuwailid, who's 15 years older than him, whose being called as al-thaharah(bersih), was actually his aunt? Khadijah binti Khuwailid had seven childrren and she was generous enough to use up all her wealth to help her husband in the fight between Islam and Arab Quraisy.

Uthman bin Affan, the 3rd Khalifah of Khulafa al-Rasyidin was being called Zun Nurain because he married both of Nabi Muhammad's daughters right? Actually, Uthman bin Affan's Nabi Muhammad's nephew, and when he married both of Nabi Muhammad's daughters, he's actually marrying his own cousins. Easier to rememberleh? Haha...

Remember Umaiyah bin Abd. Syams? No? Well, you can remember him either as the source of the name of Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah or Nabi Muhammad's granduncle. Why name after him? It was ebcause he was the renowned trader who was respected by Arabians back then.

Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan, Nabi Muhammad's nephew, was the founder of Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah. He named the kingdom after his great grandfather, a renowned trader who was respected by Arabians back then. Muawiyah ruled the kingdom from 661 A.D. - 680 A.D. More info about the politics later. Now focus on Nabi Muhammad's family tree.

No more...hehe...but one interesting fact. A Muslim male can marry four wives because Nabi Muhammad himself did that. His eldest wife's name was Khadijah binti Khuwailid and his youngest wife's name was Aisyah binti Abu Bakar(I suspect she's Abu Bakar al-Siddiq's, not necessarily true). Aisyah was the main person for Muslims to refer about Islamic laws.

Info no.6:
Remember the penyebaran Islam in chapter 5? I copy and paste the excerpt of the statements here.

Nabi Muhammad menghantar warkah ke Rom, Rom Timur, Parsi, Mesir, Habsyah dan wilayah di sekitar Semenanjung Tanah Arab. Dalam menyebarkan Islam, Nabi Muhammad tidak memaksa mereka memeluk Islam tetapi menggunakan diplomasi dan menunjukkan nilai-nilai yang baik.

Then you read the contents of the letter to Eastern Rome.

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Daripada Muhammad, hamba dan pesuruh Allah, kepada Hercules (Maharaja Rom Timur). Selamat dan sejahtera kepada sesiapa yang menurut perintah Allah. Anutilah Islam, nescaya Allah akan mengurniakan anda ganjaran sebanyak dua kali ganda. Seandainya anda menolak Islam, maka anda akan menanggung dosa-dosa rakyat jelata.

Info no.7:
In chapter 4, Islam menyarankan persamaan taraf sesama manusia.

In chapter 6, the khalifah differentiate Muslims and non-Muslims by:
- Charging Muslims zakat.
- Charging non-Muslims Kharaj and Jizyah.

This brought to annihilation of Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah due to discrimination of mawali, Persians and Barbars.

Remember, the duration between Nabi Muhammad's kingdom and the Khalifah's kingdoms is not big. Poor Nabi Muhammad...his teachings were neglected.

Info no.8:
Sistem hijabah ialah penyekatan daripada menemui khalifah secara terus.

The ones who were given exception were: Bilal, Ketua Pos and Ketua Penyedia Makanan.

Ketua Penyedia Makanan.

The person who has the high risk of putting in poison into the khalifah's food.

Info no.9:
Teori dan bukti Islam datang dari China:

One of them is:
- Emanuel Gadinho Eredia stated that Canton used to be a trading centre among Arabians who were Islams since the 9th century. Of course, these influenced Chinese people to worship Islam. Therefore, Chinese-Muslims influenced Southeast Asians to worship Islam.

Indirectly, it also means Islam comes from Arab and not China.

Info no.10:
This is in chapter 9.

Catholics sinned such as bribery and selling Indlugences to public to ensure their position as the strongest one. Catholics live their life not as bishops or priests, but as aristocrats.

What has the Bible taught them??? Since when Jesus need people to sin just to spread the religion worldwide???

**Nah, I'm religiously neutral, maybe slighly more to Christianity, but I don't insult other religions. All those stated up there were not to insult any one of those up there, but they were just doubts which I had pointed out so that I can remember Sejarah better. Seriously, people will only remember doubtful things.

Good luck for Sejarah=)

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