Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Reply Post For A Visitor

Okay...I'm here to answer your doubts here.

Firstly, the reason I'm pointing out all those controversies and not-so-nice information is not to stir up any sensitive issues, but it's so that people will remember better. Like us, we would prefer reading tabloid magazines rather than knowing what the government has contributed lately. Face it. It's humane. Same like sejarah. You think people can sit there for hours to memorize all those dry facts of sejarah??? Can you? Unless you have passion towards sejarah, there's no way one can sit there and memorize the facts. But what if we find some controversies? Then people will find out whether it's true or not. They'll start flipping their textbooks and indirectly, they learnt many new things without even putting in effort to memorize them. And mind you, the doubts that I find are just my personal opinion, not true. I don't have evidence or proof; I just point out all the controversies and interesting facts which will make people easier to study. answer your questions. For info no.6, I know what you're trying to say I'm wrong because Nabi Muhammad not necessarily forced Eastern Roman Emperor. Before I can say another word about this, let me ask you, do you exactly know what the word force means? You said that force means violence. Let me tell you, force is a very general word. Forcing doesn't usually resort to violence. Forcing can be done by intimidating, pressuring or etc. Not necessarily by violence.

Okay, back to the topic. In this case, your friend may be right. He could be just warning. But the thing is, when you said you did not menganut Islam, you'll menanggung dosa rakyat jelata, does this sound like warning to you? You see, every emperor(majoritylah), especially those who were very powerful, feared one thing - loss. Loss of what? Power, life, wealth, etc. No matter how rational an emperor is, he'll surely feel intimidated when some people "warned" him, he'll feel worried. But if you say this is not forcing and just a warning, read this.

Pembentukan kerajaan Islam di Madinah pada tahum 622 M telah menimbulkan perasaaan iri hati dalam kalangan orang Arab Quraisy. Mereka mula mencari sokongan daripada orang Yahudi dan penduduk Arab di sekitar Tanah Arab agar menghapuskan kerajaan Islam. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menyedari tindak-tanduk orang Arab Quraisy dan telah berhati-hati menghadapinya.

Think. He was under pressure that time. The Arabians formed new forces to fight against him. That was the reason why he sent those letters to other kingdoms. If you said those words were just "warnings", let me tell you. Warnings can be done if one concerns for the other and when you're not worried about your own problem. But Nabi Muhammad has his own problem to worry. Those forces might destroy and annihilate Islamic kingdom anytime. how could he be so conscious and warn others when he himself was facing a major problem?

Look here.

Selain menyeru mereka memeluk Islam menerusi warkah, baginda juga ingin mewujudkan rasa persefahaman dengan wiliyah tersebut.

But inside the warkah, all he said was to ask them to convert into Islam like how one convinces another to buy a product, and that was due to broaden the Islamic power. Have you been to any preachings before? I was not sure myself on how most religions preach, but when you were to ask someone to worship your god, you can't just ask like how you convince a person to buy your product. All these depends on your belief. Like in chapter 4, Bilal bin Rabah, Amir bin Fuhairah and Zunainah believed in Islam because they had enough faith, believing that someday they will no longer be treated as slaves.


for info no.3, yeah, maybe you are right. maybe those days people defied the laws or did despicable acts to twist to bend the laws. But, I never said that there was justice during last time. I only said that the Roman's laws were established and the principles. I said about how today's people defied justice because we live in today,s world, not during 527 M, when Roman's law was established. We like what you said, maybe they had defied justice inside those principles long time ago. But isn't it better for me to use today's example as more people are more familiar about what happened today rather than during 6th century? Which one of us still survive from a milennium ago until today? We do not know how they defied justice and twisted the laws(if they really did).

Remember, the reason for me to put up this post is not to stir up controversies or to start any debates, but to help people remember sejarah better. And it sure worked, because you rebuked my words*evil grins*.

That's all I can say. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't mind rebuking or correcting my facts as long as it helps me with sejarah.

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