Saturday, January 19, 2013

To Ask For a Listening Ear Or To Suppress? To Listen Or To Be Suppressed?

I think by now, most Malaysians have known the issue regarding some forum in UUM. A debate, or more like an argument (one-sided, of course) between Bavani, a UUM student and Sharifah Zobra Jabeen, the chairperson of Suara Wanita 1Malaysia.

Never heard of it before? No worries, here is a video for your reference. Shall not talk about it as the video can speak for itself.

                                          Sharifah looking hideous in this video *bitch mode on*

Seriously, when I watched this video, my reaction goes like this (in chronological order):

1) My eyes bulged out like a fish.
2) My mouth became distorted due to the stroke shock, or in layman's terms, sengeted.
3) A big WTF grew onto my forehead.
4) I smacked my forehead with my palm and it accidentally hit my face, hence the term facepalm.
5) I heard small voices calling out OMG.
6) It made my face turned red, thus making me feel embarrassed and not daring to show my face in public. In other words, malu betul.

Okay I know these are rather hyperbolic and lame, but I added in a touch of sarcasm into my statements to show how ASHAMED I AM.

Warning: A huge dose of SARCASM and MALICE ahead. Stop reading if you do not like reading malicious and sarcastic piece of essay. 

Bavani is one brave woman to speak out her queries. Of course, since she is attending a forum. For those suckers in English, a forum is defined as a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. Well, from the way she speaks out her queries and why is she daring to voice out inside a conference called a forum, we can assume that she has good English.

I shall highlight the issues raised by her, specially for those who are slow enough to catch up what she said:
1) Court ruling on Bersih (last year issue)
2) Questioning on free education in Malaysia (10 billion on education is like 5% compared to 200 billion budget allocated)

Youngster being a youngster will definitely get heated up as she continues speaking. I guess Bavani must be kind of pissed at why she is not enjoying the free education, judging from the way she voices out this issue.

All of a sudden, Sharifah Zobra Jabeen, or better labelled as Pah (easier ma), showed up and stole all the limelight. Not the good kind of limelight though. LOL.

Based on this video, I can only conclude that Pah is:
1) An attention seeker
2) Someone with bad English
3) Someone with a very low intelligence level
4) A hypocrite
5) A coward

1) An attention seeker
Bavani got heated up in her queries and everyone was clearly absorbed in what she has to bring up. Suddenly, Pah came up and incessantly uttered, "LISTEN", so that Bavani will listen to what she has to say. Then, because Bavani refused to stop and listen, she stole her mike so that she will be the only one speaking. Not attention seeker meh? Then the audience around (more on the audience later) clapped for her instead of Bavani. When she spoke, she spoke at an obvious louder volume than before. Not an attention seeker meh? Stealing Bavani's limelight and has herself shining on the spot (not for good reason that also happy).

2) Someone with bad English
Why do I say she has bad English?
  • Firstly, it is obvious she wanted Bavani to stop. Her bad choice of words is shown with the word "LISTEN" instead of "STOP". 
  • "Number one, when this is our programme, we allow you to speak. Number two, when I speak, you LISTEN." Then why is it called a "forum"? Shouldn't she be LISTENING what someone has to say in a forum? If everyone is expected to LISTEN and only SHE can SPEAK, then it should be called a TALK instead of a FORUM. Moron. 
  • She defines RESPECT as coming up to Bavani and shook hands with her. English 101: Respect is defined as showing appreciation and regard for someone else's opinions, points, thoughts, culture and habits, just to name a few. When you cut off someone's opinion in a forum, you are already DISRESPECTING someone. 
  • She labelled Ambiga as an "anarchist". Once again, English 101: An anarchist is defined as someone harmful who rebels the government. You see, those joining the Bersih rally consist of citizens who volunteered and they did not cause any harm at all. Instead, it is the police who sprayed tear gas and water hose to the people joining the rally. All they did were to walk around the city. These became harmful not because of Ambiga, but because of the police. How can Ambiga be an anarchist? The proper word is a "demonstrator", bitch.
  • She cited Bavani for "equating" Malaysia to other countries. No. Bavani is clearly "comparing" Malaysia to other countries which gives free education. Malaysia does not give free education, so how can Malaysia be equal to these countries?
  • Not to mention the countless grammatical mistakes *facepalm kao kao*.
Seriously, I feel like a grammar Nazi here English isn't exactly up to the expert level, but I am able to pick up so many mistakes from there. Omg the goosebumps.

3) Someone with a very low intelligence level
Her notoriety is due to this. She is not stupid meh? Once again, let me highlight her stupidity which makes my 5-year-old nephew seem beyond smart in comparison.
  • As mentioned before, her terrible English. This shows how stupid she is not to be able to master a language. 
  • She did not answer or rebut Bavani's queries. Instead of saying why free education should not be given in Malaysia (She can say that the government has other expenses to cover, such as scholarships, universities' facilities, health and other means of subsidy, such as smartphone and books, so why being greedy macam diberi betis mahu paha? See even I can debate better ah :P), she went on and say every animals have problems. Free education = animals' problems? I absolutely see no relation in those at all. How come I cannot see any relation at all? Either I am stupid or she is stupid. But I am not, so that means she is. *omgIamsoevilIknowright*
  • Insulting a student in a forum, when she knows she is clearly being videoed and she had 2300 pairs of eyes watching her. Being a chairperson of an organization who leads the forum, any person with  common sense knows better than to ridicule a student. By ridicule, I mean shutting someone up, grabbing the mike away and started insulting the student. Any person with common sense will wait until the student stops talking and starts rebutting her points, with professionalism and respect. Don't know how? Watch a proper forum video or a debate video on YouTube. Forums can go aggressive, but not with that kind disrespect.
  • Showing a Muslim video in a hall full of multi-racial students. What makes things worse is that the video is totally not relevant to the forum at all, which is titled, "Seiringkah Mahasiswa Dengan Politik". And like I said before, a forum consists of two-way discussion, not a one-way communication.
4) A hypocrite
She asks for respect when she herself does not respect the students. She acts like a barbaric and yet claims that she holds a "degree" while Bavani only holds an "O Level". Does that mean a degree holder does not need to respect someone with lower education level? She called Bavani rude when she grabbed her mike away just to stop her from speaking. She held a forum when she only wanted a one-way communication.

5) A coward
From the way she stops Bavani from speaking any further and cutting off her queries, it is shown that Pah is afraid. To further covering up things, she mentioned winning Galaxy Note. Sorry, I do not want a Galaxy Note from her. I would rather sign up a package and get myself a Note 2. Yay! Muahahahahaha!!! (Yeah, I know not relevant...excuse me for the digression :P).

Seriously, someone as terrible as her is no use being left alive in this world to ruin a nation. However, how can she still survive in a political field despite all the shit she has done? From the video, we can see the students attending the forum clapping and cheering out loud to whatever Bavani and her said. It was as if they had no opinions of their own at all. They are basically opinionless, or pak turut. If everyone in this nation do not have backbone, how can they rule the nation???

It saddens me to see students blindly clap for any particular statement made, poisonous or not. Metaphorically, it is as if they are being fed with whatever it is given, toxic or not, then swallowing them all without even tasting them. I know I grew up in a suppressing environment, where only the elderly are allowed to speak. Whenever I started to question anything, their answer would always be, "I am older than you so you should obey. Because I am older, I am always right. No buts." and I was made a puppet which takes in anything given, good or bad. Whatever was being taught in class, I was taught to accept it without thinking whether it makes sense or not. Because I was taught to pass an examination, because by passing an examination I am one step closer to achievements. That is why the statement "Any questions?" is basically just for show because students are trained to accept anything without queries since small. It is like a culture in Malaysia. Sadly, I belonged to one of these categories.

I used to be a very expressive and straightforward person who likes to ask and to argue. But parents, teachers and other adults all suppressed me to become an introverted person. I was being kept in a shell and was taught only to follow others' footsteps, with no questions asked. Years later, as I reached my late teens, I experienced quite a number of misfortunes which left me with various questions. For example, I scored so well during my SPM and why am I not offered any opportunities overseas? I saved money and I have quite a fair amount of money in my bank (meaning I am rich), but why am I not happy? I often listen to what people say and be patient with people, yet why do people still do not want to get closer to me? Yeah, and all these other queries.

After getting my STPM result, I realized that I cannot just follow what others have said and decided to give myself a few options instead. I ended up enrolling in Curtin University in Chemical Engineering under a JPA scholarship. This is a choice I have made, instead of studying Psychology in Monash (a more reputable university compared to Monash and a more happening lifestyle in KL compared to Miri) or studying Material Science in UPM (reputable local university, so a probable higher recognition). But no, I chose Chemical Engineering in Curtin. Why? Because of the prospect of the course based on the researches I have made (rather than listening to others who kept telling me chemical engineering is useless and difficult), and its professional degree (ego, I know). But it is my choice and I have to bear the consequences. So yeah.

I have been living on my own in my university years and started to build up opinions of my own. I learn to express my own opinions and thoughts verbally instead of expressing them all in my lonely blog. I learn to speak up what I want because to me, I will not get it unless I ask for it. Just as the Bible said, ask, and you shall receive. I agree. How would anyone know what you want if you do not ask for it? But of course, asking alone is no use if you do not work hard for it.

I am happy of who I am today. From an introverted (okaylah, I am still an introvert though) and timid person who keeps all thoughts to myself, I am now a more confident and outspoken person who knows how to work my way to get what I want. Most importantly, I know what I want.

I guess this kind of attitude is what most Asians, especially Malaysians lack of. We should learn to be daring to agree and disagree. Never mind if we are wrong. Who knows our opinion may be an inspiration to some BIG project in the future.

p/s: Although we should be daring to voice out opinions, of course, we have to be careful what to say and what NOT to say. Anything which can hurt someone's feelings should not be brought up. Well, after all, the power to decide what to voice out and what NOT to voice out depends on oneself. No one, but you yourself.

I rest my case. What a LOOOONNNNNGGGGG post :P

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